The guide to the Romagna Riviera holiday

The guide to the Romagna Riviera holiday involves the whole stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea, from the Lidi Ferraresi to Cattolica. Over 110 km of fine sand, sea and hospitality that during summer time attract millions of tourists, becoming the beating heart of Italian nightlife.

Famous for its good cuisine and welcoming culture, with 3700 hotels, equipped beaches and 15 theme parks, the Adriatic coast,offering thousand faces to live your hoiidays, is considered one of the most popular destinations for beach tourism.

Comoda e invitante porta d’accesso alle bellezze dell’Italia, la Riviera dell’Emilia Romagna, spogliata dei suoi cliché è infatti in grado di rivelare le sue molteplici anime e di conquistare chiunque sappia guardarla con occhi diversi, per questo la Regione si è aggiudicata il primo posto sul podio delle "Best in Europe 2018" di Lonely Planet.

Comfortable and inviting gateway to the beauties of Italy, the Riviera of Emilia Romagna, stripped of its clichés, is able to reveal its many souls and to conquer anyone who can look at it with different eyes,

For this reason, the Region took the first place on Lonely Planet's Best in Europe 2018 list.


The guide to the Romagna Riviera holiday: Romagna Riviera’s tourist resorts

Without forgetting the beautiful beaches between Comacchio and Ravenna, among the most famous resorts on the Riviera Romagnola for holiday tourism, it is worth mentioning: Rimini, Riccione, Cattolica, Cesenatico, Cervia and Milano Marittima.

In particular, Rimini, with its Fellinian's charm, combines the beaches and the fun of the coast with history and the magic hinterland, characterized by breath-taking views, ancient Malatesta castles and medieval villages.

More glamour is Milano Marittima, visited every year by many VIPs, for its exclusive beaches, prestigious brand shops and trendy clubs.

Cattolica is a favourite for families, a quiet and child-friendly city, where activities, attractions and entertainment are suitable for all ages. Cesenatico and Cervia are beautiful, relaxing and full of proposals; the first with its harbour canal, designed by Leonardo da Vinci offers a marine atmosphere, while Cervia a romantic and green atmosphere.


Using our guide to the Romagna Riviera holiday is easy to organize a stay on the Adriatic sea you have only to start from here to discover hotels, shops and the best restaurants to enjoy all the taste of Romagna and live authentic experiences.